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o c u r r e n t

click here to sign the guestbook

Friday, September 01, 1995
- hey matt
this is ian.
my user name is egern
just playing with the stuff
- -Ian Ingram
Saturday, September 02, 1995
- Howdy,
My name is Carl and I am an advertising senior at the
University of Texas at Austin. I am taking a class called
Advertising on the Internet. I, personally, am an Internet
novice but, trying to learn quickly. I am interested in the
art production side of advertising and I am always looking
for good source art and fonts. If you have time mail me back.
- -Carl Lein
Monday, September 04, 1995
- Hmmmm, Matt, everyone leaves such nice messages
to you in this guest book. Except for that very
very first, "ALOIS", entry. What the hell was that?
Don't you have some filter to screen out such drivel
from this otherwise handsome home page?
- -Marc Sommer again
Tuesday, September 05, 1995
- Matt, you page is awesome. I'm highly impressed.
- -Jesse Geraci
Wednesday, September 06, 1995
- Hey Matt,
Your page is really cool. Fun stuff...
- -Tracy Back
Saturday, September 09, 1995
- Hi! I'm a working girl - unfortunately, I suffered the trauma
of graduating from college back in '89 - but I'm hanging out
at Rice today. My husband is a grad student here, and I'm
using his account. Anyway, I fiddled around with Mr. Potato-
head and found it amusing. So, you want to go to San Fran
after you graduate? I've been there - I used to live in the
area - it's pretty cool. You can get some wonderful food
in Chinatown. There's some good theatre in S.F., too: check
out the not-so-famous area theatres for some modern stuff.
Good Luck!! 'Later....
- -Beth M.
Sunday, September 10, 1995
- Hi Matt. Are you really Mr. Potatoe Head? Where in Cananda are you from? Why do you
want to move to San Francisco? I went to school at Berkeley, and went into the city
quite often. Of course, that was a few years ago...It has changed quite a bit since
then! As have I. I think your page is cool, and one of the more interesting ones I've
come across since I starting playing on the net (2 wks now). How old are your brothers?
I know a nice girl...
- -Sharon
Wednesday, September 13, 1995
- Hey baby heh baby heh baby! We're stumbling along without
you. T's threaten to arrive anytime now. Drop a line when
you have a chance!
- -sglusk
Friday, September 15, 1995
- Hey Matt!
My name is Stacie. I'm a senior communication designer
at Carnegie Mellon University...just cruising the net.
This semester I'm taking an interface course,
designing for the net, interactive stuff, designing
the Design Department's home page, etc. So, thought
I'd check out what MIT is up to. Nice stuff Matt!
Hey-have a great time in San Francisco! If you meet
a girl named Whitney Bailey, tell her Stacie said Hoi!
I met her in Switzerland last semester. Said she was
heading for the bay. Anyway, thanks for the entertainment!
Mr. Potato is really fun!
- -
Saturday, September 16, 1995
- Hello friend, your potatoe game is pretty cool, but I can't make it work past creating the first potatoe starchy guy.
- -
Thursday, September 21, 1995
- Yo Matt,
Wow, I am very impressed.... an incredibly well-designed page.
It really makes me want to simply delete my homepage and start from
scratch !!
- -Ben Adida