Back, M., Gold, R., Balsamo, A., Chow, M., Gorbet, M., Harrison, S., MacDonald, D., Minneman, S. "Designing Innovative Reading Experiences for a Museum Exhibition." Cover Feature in IEEE Computer, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 80-87.
Balsamo, A., Gorbet, M., Harrison, S., Minneman, S. "The Methods of Our Madness: Research on Experimental Documents." Organizational overview in CHI 2000 Extended Abstracts, The Hague, The Netherlands, ACM, April 2000, pp. 207-208.
Gorbet, M., "Beyond Input Devices: A New Conceptual Framework for the Design of Physical-Digital Objects", Masters' Thesis, 1998.
Ishii, H., Wisneski, C., Brave, S., Dahley, A., Gorbet, M., Ullmer, B., Yarin, P. "ambientROOM: integrating ambient media with architectural space." Proceedings of ACM CHI '98, Los Angeles, ACM, April 1998. pp 173-174
Gorbet, M., Orth, M. and Ishii, H.
"Triangles: Tangible Interface for Manipulation and Exploration of Digital Information Topography"
Proceedings of ACM CHI '98, Los Angeles, ACM, April 1998. pp 49-56
Gorbet, M., Orth, M. and Ishii, H.
"Triangles: A Tangible Interface to Information Topography;(mpg video)
Video Proceedings of ACM CHI '98,
Los Angeles, ACM, April 1998.
Wisneski, C, Ishii, H., Dahley, A., Gorbet, M., Brave, S., Ullmer, B.,
Yarin, P. "Ambient Displays: Turning Architectual Space into an Interface between People and Digital Information" To appear in Proceedings of CoBuild'98 (First International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings), Darmstadt, Germany, February 1998.
Orth, M. and Gorbet, M.
"Triangles and The Digital Veil",
FleshFactor: Informationsmacschine mensch (1997 Ars Electronica Festival Catalog),
Linz, Austria, SpringerWeinNewYork, September 1997, pp. 280-283.
Gorbet, M. and Orth, M.
"Triangles: Design of a Physical/Digital Construction Kit (poster),"
Poster presented at Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices
Methods and Techniques (ACM DIS '97),
Amsterdam, August 1997.
Gorbet, M.
"Triangles: Design of a Physical/Digital Construction Kit,"
In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices
Methods and Techniques (ACM DIS '97),
Amsterdam, ACM, August 1997, pp. 125-128.

Digital Communication, Programmable Functioning and Data Transfer Using Modular, Hinged Processor Elements. U.S. Pat. # 5,941,714. Issued August 24, 1999.
Method and Apparatus for Registering, Displaying and Decoding Spatially Registered Information. European Pat. #00310774.5-2218. Issued February 22, 2001.
Method and Apparatus for Display of Spatially Registered Information Using Embedded Data. Pending, filed December 1999.
Method and Apparatus for Spatially Registering Information Using Embedded Data. Pending, filed December 1999.
Method and Apparatus for Decoding Angular Orientation of Lattice Codes. Pending, filed December 1999.
Systems and methods providing an interface for navigating dynamic text. Pending, filed January 1999.