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o c u r r e n t

click here to sign the guestbook

Sunday, February 02, 1997
- Dear Matt,
It't been so long since we spoke! I spoke with Dave last night and got caught up on all the news about you and your family. You have a terrific page, and congrats on all the great work you're up to. I too am completing my MA in Education Studies in Montreal and working and writing as a Research Assistant in the department of Education in the teacher training program. The last time I saw you was just after my mother's death, which is now 6 years ago. Time goes by so quickly, and time also helps heal. Take good care and good luck with your future endeavours. Hopefully we'll meet up sometime with Dave,
Amy O'Neil
- -aeonei@alcor.concordia.ca
Tuesday, February 04, 1997
- Hi Matt. San Francisco, Jeannie and I miss you. Get out here and bring Rich while you're at it.
BTW, I met this philosophy student/multimedia artist on Cal Train. His name is justin, kcroy@best.com.
He wants to come and play at the media lab. I hope it's okay that I gave him your name.
Good stuff happening here, my microprocessor is about to tape out so I'll have a short mid-life crisis and then decide what I
want to do next. Working in the city would be cool. Jeannie has punted on her PhD. She's going to get her masters and then go to medical school.
She's got this awesome volunteer job at UCSF working in surgery. Pretty exciting all around. Oh BTW, we had a civil marriage so we're wed.
I like your pages, but I'd like some better editing tools in this menu. How about losing the bottom scroll bar. Otherwise I can type forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
- -orion@synaptics.com
Saturday, February 08, 1997
- edit this, fratboy
- -westner@media.mit.edu
Tuesday, February 11, 1997
- Hi, I am doing a business studies project at College here in England. I was looking at the work you have done for NIKE. For whom I want to do a project on there marketing and products. I was wandering if you have any info you could send me through the e-mail or snail mail.
My name is Chris Gray
E-mail Chrisg@bcoll.demon.co.uk
Cheers Hope you can help.
Oh by the way you have a wicked page!!!!!
- -Chrisg@bcoll.demon.co.uk or chaz5000@geocities.com
Sunday, February 16, 1997
- ju xbt dppm!
- -Vicki
Sunday, February 23, 1997
- Dear Matt
Thanks again for the tour of the media lab at MIT.I had a great time.
Chris Martin
- -cmartin992@aol.com