

click here to sign the guestbook

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click here to sign the guestbook

Monday, November 17, 1997
- Matt --
Love the web page. Excellent background color. Thank goodness
you didn't use a 70s pallette (is that spelled right?). We'd
be stuck with a shiny blue and brown pattern that might have
matched Larry's shirt from Saturday night.
Was intrigued by Mr Potatohead and had to play the game for
a while.
Must go back to the salt mines.
- -ardys_kozbial@harvard.edu
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Wednesday, December 17, 1997
- Matt,
Glorious page! My only disappointment: not finding anything about the much-praised ImaginAction campaign to save the Niagra fruitbelt!
It was great chattoing with you last night - I hope you have a great holiday, and good fun with the in-laws, and I would really like to make it up to Boston to visit you in Feb. Let's be sure to stay in touch!
- -rosswallace@hotmail.com
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Friday, April 24, 1998
- Hi Matt, how is it going. I just had a friend ask me about puppetry, then I had a vague idea you had done something similar for TV when you were in high-school. But wasn't that computer graphics?
Anyway, no big deal, but it inspired me to look you up and see what you're up to.
The big news -- which you might have heard from Dave since he's invited -- is that I'm getting married in june! scary.
-- Lisa Dusseault
- -lisadu@microsoft.com
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Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Things ain't as nice out there in boston.
I was there for a couple days about a month
ago and had to leave when I saw two surfboards
strapped to a car on beacon st. it was real crappy
and raining. wally's is an interesting place, tho'.
adios, Chris Stein
- -stein@cacr.caltech.edu
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Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Things ain't as nice out there in boston.
I was there for a couple days about a month
ago and had to leave when I saw two surfboards
strapped to a car on beacon st. it was real crappy
and raining. wally's is an interesting place, tho'.
adios, Chris Stein
- -stein@cacr.caltech.edu
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Monday, May 25, 1998
- Hi Matt...
That was amazing. I've just been browsing your page,
I'm afraid an hour is too less a time for me to
investigate your works.I'd be back soon
I am an architect from India, and I was admitted for
Masters Program in Architecture in MIT for fall'98. Since
I could not get my tuition waived I have accepted a
fellowship offer for a one-year program at OSU-Columbus
I bumped into info on Media Arts Program only recently and
I can't resist being drawn into it. You seem to be a real
coool graphic fundo...I am interested in how you could
successfully balance your right and left cerebral
hemispheres....complementing you visual skills by developing
your programming knowledge..
bye...you can catch me at ganeshr@mailexcite.com
Ganesh Ramachandran
- -ganeshr@mailexcite.com
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Sunday, May 31, 1998
- Hey Matt, how are things? This is Matthew Barnabe from Nepean checking in to say hi. Cool page! I'll try to check in again soon.
- -
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Thursday, June 11, 1998
- Hey!! You have a great page!! I had fun creating my own family. I have my own Mr. Potato Head page: Http://www.aeroinc.net/users/scoob/potato.htm
I'm also trying to set up a WebRing for Mr. Potato Head sites, and I'd like to add your site. E-mail me and let me know what ya think!!
Thanks, Sarah
- -cheerleeder@hotmail.com
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Tuesday, July 21, 1998
- So I finally got around to opening my CHI 98 conference proceedings, and as I was flipping through it, I saw a picture of triangles. Then I see a blip about non-linear storytelling and I'm thinking, "Hmm, this sounds like the project that Dave Gorbet was telling me about yesterday." And voila, there's your byline. Great paper. Triangles reminds me of a multimedia prototype of a digital storytelling app I created two years ago. And thanks to your brother, I'm thinking that "electronic diorama-making" is my calling...
- -joycesi@microsoft.com
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Friday, August 21, 1998
- Gail Gorbett Wilson
I checked out your page because I have a nephew that lives in MO. His name is Matthew Gorbett. One t is missing, but I have been told that history says we are all related down the line somewhere.
- -rgwilson@oregontrail.net
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Wednesday, September 02, 1998
- Just a littlle compliment on the tangible media group
projects (all of them). As a student Interaction Design at
the High School of Arts in Utrecht (The Netherlands), I was
browsing the web and came across the Triangles project, which really interested me. Seeing people participate in these projects motivates me more and more. thanx..
Rob Augustinus
- -devious@xs4all.nl
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Monday, September 21, 1998
- Hi my name is Jonathan, and I reckon that this site is ex!
- -Jonathan Lawgall
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Monday, December 14, 1998
- hi! my name is amber martin and i think that your work is great! it takes so much skill to actually be good in computers and you sure have a lot of it. well just wanted to share my comments with you.hop you have a merry christmas and a happy new year! bye. 8c)
- -Dagwood973@aol.com
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Tuesday, February 02, 1999
- Hey Matt,
Great work at keeping your website up to date! Where did
you find the Nixie-tubes (great name... will have to use
that somewhere)?
Best wishes,
- -abashfor@nortelnetworks.com
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Tuesday, March 02, 1999
- Roots-George gorbet ggorbet@jps.net
- -
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Sunday, March 21, 1999
- Hi Matthew,
Neat page! Hope the wedding plans are going well. Take care. Love, Annette Thiessen
- -andysam@easynet.ca
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Wednesday, April 14, 1999
- Awesome webpage and portfolio Matt! Loved your portfolio. Excellent photography as well.
You have certainly packed a lot in your years. Very inspiring.
Good talking to you the other day.
- -banny@stanford.edu
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Thursday, April 15, 1999
- Hi Matt! Kathryn Gimple here from sunny Sacramento. Just wanted to tell you guys I loved the cool save-the-date mailer... Especially the map with The Red Danger Zone on it! Take care and we'll hopefully see you soon--
- -gimplek@hdcdojnet.state.ca.us
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Thursday, May 27, 1999
- Dear Matt,
I really love your page. Remember the great times
we had at the Lab? All those late nights! ;-)
Anyways you saucy silvery tongued devil. Let's do the bars
when you get back to San Fran.
Big Joe.
- -joe@hotmail.com
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Monday, May 31, 1999
- Matt - Loved looking at your site. Squeaky clean! :-)
I am really inspired by all the work you have done taking
interactivity to new heights/depths. I am not worthy!
Hope to catch you and Susan again soon - its so great to
be able to talk about the whole wedding thang with
someone else who's going through the same thing. I love it!
- -chaosgirl@earthlink.net
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Thursday, July 29, 1999
- Matt,
Interesting web-site. I found it by typing in my name "Gorbet".
I didn't there wre too many people with my name.
- -Henry.A.Gorbet@bankofamerica.com
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- Hi Matt - I found your site through your family's donation to thehungersite.com in honor of your wedding. Congratulations to you and Susan! And kudos to your family for honoring your wedding in such a great way. Best of luck to both of you!
- -jj@monkey.org
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- My sweetie and I go to the Hunger Site each day to make a donation and were moved by your sponsorship of the site. Congratulations to you and your family! What you have done is a truly remarkable way to celebrate. May your marriage always reflect the spirit in which you have begun.
Hewitt & Ginger
- -hewitt@huntwork.com
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- Thanks for sponsoring the Hunger Site.
What a wonderful way to celebrate two marriages!
May you enjoy many happy days together...
- -
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- Thanks for your donation to the hunger site!
Cheers from Vancouver,B.C.
- -jenn@helix.net
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- Thanks for the opportunity to contribute to fight world hunger. I wish your family happiness in joining with another.
Alan Roth
- -alan42@mindspring.com
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- Thank y'all for sponsoring The Hunger Site! Cool idea, to commemorate your wedding with a community show of love. Oh, and congratulations to you and Susan -- may God bless your lives together.
Hank in Virginia (that sounds like I wrote Dear Abby, doesn't it?)
- -
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- Dear friend,
I have never met you, or your family, but your idea of sponsoring the Hunger Site for the wedding weekend (I'm guessing it's the same one) is nothing short of marvelous.
It's people who think as you do who are going to make the 21st century so much better for heart and soul than this one has been.
I wish you blessings, love, and laughter for all your lives together!
- -jaukland@mindspring.com
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- I think what your parents did to sponsor the Hunger Site for two days is great! What an inspiration. May God bless your new family.
- -
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- It is wonderful what your family has done to celebrate your marriage...sponsoring the hunger site. Though I don't know you, congratulations and blessings!
- -laurie_michelle@hotmail.com
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- Thank you, in the name of all hungry people in the world,
for you wonderful initiative!
- -jandre@centroin.com.br
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Saturday, August 21, 1999
- We send Matthew and Susan our best wishes for a long and happy life together. I think your family's gesture on the hunger page is splendid. We have been married 30 years and we hope you have as much love and fun in your lives as we have. Celia & Victor
- -wakefielpro@Cyburban.com
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Sunday, August 22, 1999
- Thanks to your family for sponsoring thehungersite.
It was a lovely gift.
It would be especially nice if your example leads others to
emulate your action.
I hope there is an ground swell of individual and family
sponsors now.
Jayne W. Dye, MD
- -
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Sunday, August 22, 1999
- What a wonderful way to celebrate happy occasions! I visit The Hunger Site every day to make a donation, and your sponsorship was one of the most unselfish acts I've seen in a long time! Congratulations and here's to many, many, many happy years together!
- -MMccorm319@aol.com
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Sunday, August 22, 1999
- What a sweet site. Linked in from the hunger site just to
who the sponser was. I'm impressed.
- -dcooper333@yahoo.com
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Sunday, August 22, 1999
- All good wishes to you and your bride and many thanks to your family for this gift to all of us.
Here is a Turkish wedding greeting:
Bir yastikta kocayin = May you grow old on the same pillow.
- -mposer@infohouse.com
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Sunday, August 22, 1999
- thank you for supporting the hunger site . i admire you . i just found out about it 2 months ago. what a great way to help fight famine.
- -rfmf99@aol.com
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Sunday, August 22, 1999
- Just want you to know, I thought it was great that you're supporting the hunget site.
- -
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Monday, August 23, 1999
- Best wishes on your wedding and thank you for sponsoring the Hunger Site.
- -T.Y.
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Monday, August 30, 1999
- Hi Matt, very nice pages. SUPERB DESIGNS, BLUE COLORS.....
We are running a nice project with the MEDIA LAB named
LINCOS ( little Intelligent Communities ) www.lincos.net
and I was browsing MEDIA LAB pages trying to find people
who wants to help us in our project-. Your experience on design,
computer sciences, visual design, visual arts sounds pretty good.
But now I understand you are at XEROX PARC.
Maybe next time.
Some suggestions for LINCOS LOGO ????
Dr. Juan I. Barrios MD
LINCOS Project Director
Costa Rica Foundation for Sustainable Development
San José , Costa Rica
- -juan@lincos.net
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Sunday, October 17, 1999
- Matt;
I'm a first year student at UCVF in BC and I have to say that a lot of what you're doing not only beyond me but is also amazing. I am currently enrolled in the FA department and am taking an electronic arts class.
I have tried to build a machine that simulates one of those old spilrograph toys but have run into endless mechanical and electrical problems. Mounting an effort to create electronic pieces such as yours requires a lot of talent and a hell of a lot of practical and technical understanding.
I'm in awe. Hope you post some of your new stuff if you get the chance.
eric madill
- -rb_emadill@hotmail.com
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Monday, November 01, 1999
- matt -
well, i'm now up to six well designed sites on the
internet, after a lot of looking. love yours.
- -
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Monday, January 31, 2000
- Hi Matt!! 'Member me? I hope things are well with you and your family. Congratulations on your marriage! I was just poking around, looking for Dave's email address and found YOU!!! Great website, some of that stuff brings back memories (brian with long flowing blond hair). Do you still have any tape of our wacky road trips to Montreal? All the best to you, Matt.
Teena Denny
- -teena_denny@occdsb.on.ca
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Tuesday, March 28, 2000
- Matt:
I was just browsing xerox pages in the hopes of re-inspiring myself for another late night of work.
Yes, I'm at another startup company looking to milk the internet bubble - kind of: but we are more interested in developing a product to re-define human interaction in a large social context and in a very specfic field.
I feel like I am primarily an artist as well - been through the loop, graduated as an architect, worked as a model and a photographer, artist, pushed graphic and product design and now I'm experimenting with software product design in SF.
Maybe you'd like to contribute your ideas to our effort. Feel free to email me - and BTW I love the home page box.....
- -Saaket Sethi / saaket@retrieva.com
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Wednesday, April 19, 2000
- My name is Patti Edmundson and I am currently living in Dallas, TX. I was actually doing a bit of research for work today when I happened upon your site.... I must commend your creativity and the ease of flow throughout-- BRAVO! I just love creative people! :)
- -pedmundson@thgcorp.com
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Sunday, July 16, 2000
- Cool webpage... I have absolutely no idea how I got here; the link just spontaneously popped up in Netscape. heh... gremlins?
I like the whole cereal box theme. cute..
- -kg4cyx@yahoo.com
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Tuesday, July 18, 2000
- Hello
Followed your Old House Web links here. Nice site! I had no idea that there are people who so fully combine arts and technology (ie in the same person!)
Greetings from Cambridge Ont.
- -jgburmaster@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
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Sunday, September 17, 2000
- Matt,
I stumbled in here completely by accident. The design and layout of the page really struck me... positively!
I also couldn't help but notice the proud Canadian poking through. I'm also a Canadian living abroad.
I particularly liked your 'Idea(l) Object', and think your use of the cereal box is the most unique thing I've seen on the web.
Steve Matthews, Köln
- -notsoweesm@aol.com
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