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o c u r r e n t

click here to sign the guestbook

Tuesday, July 16, 1996
- pretty cool website, enjoyed the potatoe generation evolution
just a brief comment about the www. It's a fun arena but difficult
to adapt due to the numerous sites/search engines/protocols. I just
stumbled onto your site. Anyway, I'll look forward to more impressive
works from the Media lab.
With Regards,
- -chois@woods.uml.edu
Thursday, July 18, 1996
- making potato's rules
- -zac cieslinski
Thursday, July 18, 1996
- Matt -- I love it! I'm surfing the net (at home) and wanted
to finally check this out. Les xoxo
PS -- got your postcard... write back
- -Lesterlee Q
Monday, July 22, 1996
- Greetings from Finland.
Ended up here by accident, but I have to agree with the umpteen others that this is defenately one of the best pages I have seen. Keep up the excellent work.
- -saartein@teta.me.tut.fi
Thursday, July 25, 1996
- Long time no see/speak/email whatever.
How the hell are you? I'm not surprised at how
amazing your Site is. Check out mine (not that its
anything compared to yours):www.cyberus.ca/~g_gilron/
Oh, it's Grant by the way. I'm actually in Israel
right now visiting my Dad (really sick, Cancer).
He's doing okay now... I'll be back in Canada
mid August. How is your summer? Rather, How has your
life been for the last 3 or 4 years that I haven't
seen you?
Drop me a line sometime.
- -g_gilron@cyberus.ca
Friday, July 26, 1996
- Wow. It was better than Matt's. I'd see it again... and
again. Hey, Gorby, looks like this page made it through the
Gorbetian matrix in doodle-dee dandle-dee shape!!!
Toodle dee doodle dee, neighbor!!!
- -Ryan
Monday, July 29, 1996
- Hey,Matt! I love your Mr. Potatohead game.
- -Daisy
Tuesday, July 30, 1996
- Hello Matt!
I know, I know, I'm making a habit of writing you every two
years or so... Soooooooooo, how are ya'? You're web page is
very impressive. I like seeing some of the stuff that you
are up to these days. I've been working on some Web stuff
for the government - it's at http://strategis.ic.gc.ca - I
work on some of the economic stuff for it.
Anyways, give me a write back (lane.stephanie@ic.gc.ca) and
fill me in on what's up!
- -Steph