back of the box
Issue #1
matt gorbet





Welcome to the Back of the Box.

I am devoting this section of my web site to showcasing and talking about other people on the net. Each issue, I'll feature a link to someone or some organization that I respect or admire, or that I just find fun. Every few weeks I'll be linking to the pages of a friend, artist, scientist, engineer, or organization, so if your interests are anything like mine, I'm sure you'll love what's on the Back of the Box.

For this first issue, I've decided to showcase a world-famous media artist and inspiration of mine, Toshio Iwai.

I've been inspired by the beauty and rhythm of Iwai's installations and computer artwork, and the playfulness and creativity with which his work criscrosses the lines between the physical and the digital.

Media artist Toshio Iwai, on the
Back of the Box.